News & Events

A Minute of Exercise Per Day Could Prevent Osteoporosis

Even the busiest person can find a spare minute in their day to exercise. That’s good news because a recent study has found that women who get just one minute of exercise per day had four percent higher bone density. If you have two minutes, that’s even better! Those who exercised for over two minutes had a bone density six percent higher than those who exercise under one minute per day.

Category: Health

What You Need to Know About Babies & Sunscreen

If you’re going to the beach or you’re heading outside for a day in the sun, the first thing you should do is apply sunscreen. It helps block harmful UV rays that can cause burns, blisters, and even skin cancer. But, should sunscreen be applied to a newborn baby’s skin? New studies suggest that sunblock isn’t safe for infants, and here are the reasons why.

Category: Safety

Water Safety Tips for Children

As the weather gets warmer, it can be a fun family activity to spend hot days by a pool or body of water, but taking the right precautions is key. Each year nationwide, approximately 2,600 children are treated in hospital emergency rooms from near drowning incidents and 350 children under the age of five drown in pools.

While accidents can and do happen, parents can take several preventative measures in order to keep their children safe in the water.

Category: Safety

2017 Will be a Bad Year for Lyme Disease

In the spring and summer, Lyme disease is a worry for nearly everyone who spends time outside. 2017 is shaping up to be even more risky for the disease than usual.

There has been a huge amount of growth in the mice population across the northern areas of the United States. This has led ecologists to believe that Lyme disease will be especially bad this year. But, what do mice have to do with Lyme disease – shouldn’t we be worried about ticks? Mice are extremely efficient carriers of the disease and infect approximately 95% of the ticks that feed on them. A single mouse could have up to 50 or 60 ticks on them at once.

Scientists say the math is simple: more mice + more infected ticks = increased instances of lyme disease.

Category: Health, News

How Is Stress Affecting Your Health?

Nearly everyone will experience some type of stress in their lives. Stress can be caused by a variety of factors including, work, money, health, family and a laundry list of other items that are often unavoidable. You may know that long periods of stress and anxiety can leave you feeling tired and worn out, but did you know that it can have serious long-term effects on your health?

Category: Health

Could My Infertility be Caused by Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a much more prevalent issue than many people might think. In fact, fewer than 1/3 of women know what endometriosis is, despite it affecting approximately one out of every ten women in the United States.

Endometriosis occurs when uterine tissue begins to grow outside of the uterus. Because this tissue responds to a woman’s menstrual cycle, symptoms can be confused with period pain. Since the tissue has no way of leaving the body, lesions, scar tissue and inflammation can occur. All of these symptoms could potentially lead to infertility.

Category: Health

Go Red for Women: American Heart Month

Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association’s national movement to end heart disease and stroke in women.

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

40 years ago, cervical cancer was the leading cause of cancer death in American women. Since then, the number of deaths has significantly decreased due to increased awareness of the symptoms and testing methods for this disease. Although the numbers have improved, approximately 12,000 women will be diagnosed and 4,120 will die from the disease this year.

Category: Cancer, Health

Keep Your Holiday Dinners Safe and Fun

With Holiday season upon us, the rush to get all of your food prepared can make you want to cut corners in order to make sure everything gets on the table in time. But did you know that foodborne diseases cause roughly 76 million people to become sick each year?

If you’re cooking for just a few people, or a large group, there are a few safety tips that can help you prevent sickness while still getting everything prepared in a timely manner.

Category: Health, Nutrition

Does Coffee Help Prevent Cancer?

Coffee is one of the most universally consumed beverages around. In fact, it is estimated that 83% of American adults drink coffee daily. It is well known that coffee can help to wake you up, but can it actually help prevent cancer?