News & Events

How To Perform A Monthly Breast Exam

A monthly breast self-exam is another tool women have in conjunction with annual mammograms to find cancers early and improve survival rates. You use your hands and eyes to detect any changes in the look and feel of your breasts. Not a replacement for annual mammograms, it is still valuable to be familiar with the normal consistencies of your breast. When cancer is detected early, the chances of survival are much improved. Let us go through how to perform a monthly breast exam.

Category: Breast Care

Why Are Routine Mammograms So Important?

One of the most important imaging tools physicians have at their disposal is a mammogram. They have become vitally important because they save lives. They are so important we now can get one on a mobile mammography bus. Important enough that it’s women’s healthcare practically coming to your door, but why are routine mammograms so important?


Weirton Medical Center’s Back To School Guide

We are approaching the time when kids and parents start preparing for going back to school. As the time nears, there are numerous tips to prepare and get your kids off to a great start, including Weirton Medical Center’s back to school guide.


WMC Visitation Policy (effective 9/15/21)

Category: COVID

What To Expect If You Have An Abnormal Pap Smear

The first thing you should know if you have an abnormal Pap smear is not to panic. There are many possible causes for an abnormal result, and most of them are not something to get concerned about immediately. If it does happen, here is what to expect if you have an abnormal Pap smear.

Category: Women's Health

The Difference Between Osteopenia And Osteoporosis

How are your bones? Do you know? We are naturally concerned about our blood pressure and possible cancer symptoms, but how often do you consider your bone strength. If you have reached the age of 50, you should become knowledgeable about the difference between osteopenia and osteoporosis.


Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Cancer Screenings During The Pandemic

Early in the COVID pandemic, cancer screening centers and outpatient offices were closed. At the same time elective medical procedures were put on hold and suspended to better prioritize urgent care. That is no longer the case, so if you were one of those who had a screening delayed, here are the reasons why you shouldn’t put off cancer screenings during the pandemic even one more day.


How Often Should You Visit Your Primary Care Physician?

Everyone knows to see their primary care doctor if they have fever and a sore throat. That’s an easy call. How often you should visit your primary care physician is another matter. There is no set answer, nor timetable for everyone, but there are some guidelines.

Category: Family Health

Preparing Your Home For Post Surgery Recovery

The recovery time after surgery can be almost as important as the surgery itself. Unless you prepare ahead of time and follow your doctor’s orders, you can create situations which lead to complications, another surgery, or maybe a longer recovery time. Put some thought into preparing your home for post surgery recovery.

Category: Surgery

What To Do If You Suspect Your Child May Have A Concussion

There has been much discussion over the last decade about concussions in professional sports. It has brought more attention to high school and college sports as well. Children are just as vulnerable to getting a concussion, but in other ways. You can’t watch them every minute of the day, so here are some tips about what to do if you suspect your child may have a concussion.
