Family Health

2022-2023 Flu Season: Preparing Your Family

To be clear, the CDC recommends everyone over the age of 6 months get a flu shot this year. The most vulnerable are seniors over age 65 and young children with respiratory issues like asthma and illness which lowers immunity. There is more to understand about the 2022-2023 flu season: preparing your family.  » Read more about: 2022-2023 Flu Season: Preparing Your Family  »

Water Safety Guide For Parents

Those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are upon us, and the weather and humidity are heating up. Children and adults are looking for a way to counteract the heat and get cool. There’s nothing better than a pool, a lake, or any body of water to provide relief and fun-filled days. Whether you are a new parent, or you have siblings vying for your attention, it’s always a good idea to review a water safety guide for parents.  » Read more about: Water Safety Guide For Parents  »

How To Fight Inflammation And Prevent Disease

Inflammation is an essential defense mechanism of our body and a way of healing. Any time we are injured, become ill with a virus or bacteria infection, our immune system sends inflammatory cells to fight off the problems and speed healing. Unfortunately, sometimes inflammation overstays its welcome. Let’s learn how to fight inflammation and prevent disease.  » Read more about: How To Fight Inflammation And Prevent Disease  »

The Difference Between Osteopenia And Osteoporosis

How are your bones? Do you know? We are naturally concerned about our blood pressure and possible cancer symptoms, but how often do you consider your bone strength. If you have reached the age of 50, you should become knowledgeable about the difference between osteopenia and osteoporosis.  » Read more about: The Difference Between Osteopenia And Osteoporosis  »

Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Cancer Screenings During The Pandemic

Early in the COVID pandemic, cancer screening centers and outpatient offices were closed. At the same time elective medical procedures were put on hold and suspended to better prioritize urgent care. That is no longer the case, so if you were one of those who had a screening delayed, here are the reasons why you shouldn’t put off cancer screenings during the pandemic even one more day.  » Read more about: Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Cancer Screenings During The Pandemic  »

How Often Should You Visit Your Primary Care Physician?

Everyone knows to see their primary care doctor if they have fever and a sore throat. That’s an easy call. How often you should visit your primary care physician is another matter. There is no set answer, nor timetable for everyone, but there are some guidelines.  » Read more about: How Often Should You Visit Your Primary Care Physician?  »

Don’t Delay Medical Care During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Delaying medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic is like the old phrase “cutting off your nose to spite your face.” Yes, we all understand there is a pandemic and many are frightened of being among people, especially sick people. The problem is you can exacerbate your own medical issues by avoiding care because you are worrying about what could happen. Get treated, and don’t delay medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic.  » Read more about: Don’t Delay Medical Care During The COVID-19 Pandemic  »

Why Seniors Should Lift Weights

If it makes you chuckle thinking of your grandmother “pumping iron,” hold that laugh. Lifting weights can be beneficial to anyone over the age of 65. There are benefits for both the body and the mind. Keep reading and no matter your age, you might become an advocate for why seniors should lift weights.  » Read more about: Why Seniors Should Lift Weights  »

Why Getting A Flu Shot This Year Is So Important

In the year of COVID getting a flu shot is especially important. Millions of Americans suffer with flu symptoms every year, and thousands have died each year from the flu. Yes, that’s right, thousands. Only half the population normally gets a flu shot, but there are serious reasons why getting a flu shot this year is so important.  » Read more about: Why Getting A Flu Shot This Year Is So Important  »

Hyperthyroidism And Its Common Symptoms

Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid gland, and its common symptoms can appear like several other conditions, so it’s easily overlooked or sometimes misdiagnosed. Keep reading so you can recognize hyperthyroidism and seek treatment.  » Read more about: Hyperthyroidism And Its Common Symptoms  »