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New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines You Should Know

If you have been confused in the past by changes in breast cancer screening guidelines, buckle up! Recently, more changes have been passed down as guidelines, so it’s important to make sure you’re knowledgeable.  » Read more about: New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines You Should Know  »

Expert Advice About Skin Cancer Prevention

Ask anyone how to prevent skin cancer and the the first answer will (almost) always be the same. Young and old will say using sunscreen is the best way to prevent skin cancer, though there is much more to it than just that.  » Read more about: Expert Advice About Skin Cancer Prevention  »

How Your Weight Can Influence the Formation of a Hernia

Most of us know that our weight can have a positive or negative impact in our lives. Being overweight, for example, brings with it a number of health issues including cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, and an increased risk for Type 2 Diabetes.  » Read more about: How Your Weight Can Influence the Formation of a Hernia  »

12 Simple Solutions to High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure increases your risk for dangerous health conditions like a stroke, a heart attack, kidney disease, and chronic heart failure. If that doesn’t give you the motivation to manage your blood pressure, this might.  » Read more about: 12 Simple Solutions to High Blood Pressure  »

Help Your Heart with a Few Extra Hours of Sleep Each Day

It should be no surprise to anyone that 50 – 70 million Americans don’t get the restorative sleep they need. Just note the number of advertisements for mattresses, pillows, and mattress toppers we see everyday that all promise to deliver the perfect night’s sleep.  » Read more about: Help Your Heart with a Few Extra Hours of Sleep Each Day  »

What You Should Know About Spider Veins (Even If You Are Young)

If you have been distressed recently and noticed the appearance of little red and blue lines on your legs, don’t panic. Yes, you are young, healthy, and quite fit, so why would you see those “old lady” spider veins?
You may not like how they look, but the fact is they are really nothing to become upset about, and they happen to be quite normal. With that said, there are some facts you should know about spider veins even if you are young.  » Read more about: What You Should Know About Spider Veins (Even If You Are Young)  »

How Much Sleep Do You And Your Family Really Need?

Like most people, we all need and crave sleep in West Virginia. Now is the time to remind everyone about the value and purpose of sleep and the consequences of not getting the correct amount. How much do you and your family need? Stay awake and keep reading.  » Read more about: How Much Sleep Do You And Your Family Really Need?  »

How Can Breast Reduction Surgery Improve Your Lifestyle?

Why does it seem that the grass always greener? Petite women often wish they were taller, and many women with small breasts wish they had larger ones. However, in reality you don’t really want the latter, as it can be a problem. Yes, having an ample bosom can be a problem.
You may get noticed, but many large breasted women would rather not get attention for that reason. More importantly, they would rather not have the discomfort that accompanies large breasts.  » Read more about: How Can Breast Reduction Surgery Improve Your Lifestyle?  »

Make Heart Health An Everyday Habit

One can hardly pick up a frozen dinner, boxed cereal, or any prepackaged food and not notice the “Heart Healthy” label splashed all over the item. Relying on these marketing ploys alone will likely NOT provide much that is truly heart healthy.
You don’t have to scrupulously count calories or become obsessive about your diet to lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. Here are 5  practical ways to make heart health an everyday thing.  » Read more about: Make Heart Health An Everyday Habit  »

Is A Mammogram Painful?

Talk to twenty women who have had more than one mammogram in their life, and you will get several different answers to the question: “Is a mammogram painful?”
Uncomfortable and scary may be a common answer. A few might say painful, but it only lasted a few seconds. Others may say it was no big deal.
Anxiety about the test, your personal pain threshold, and the technician all play a huge part in a woman’s perspective relative to their mammogram
Let’s discover a few tips to reduce any discomfort during a mammogram,  » Read more about: Is A Mammogram Painful?  »